The first and only set of postings here are the product of a mind fevered by oxycodone, chemically-induced and naturally-occurring insomnia, and an overdose of laxatives--recall J. Peterman lost in Burma, mad and emaciated, but still Elaine's boss. Context, okay? Detailing one's minor surgery is a pretty inauspicious way to go about writing things again, it's true. Really, there is no substantive difference between these postings and the "daily journal of Uncle Patterson's bout with the gout". Sad, I know. That's why there's been a shakeup all the way from middle management right to the damn top of this operation. If there's anything of value, literally a-ny-thin-g, to come out of this, we'll really have to knuckle down around this blog and do a better job. Profligacy out! Productivity in! Remember the Maine!
New ground rules: (1) being verbose was a hit at wall street coke parties in the 80s, like in American Psycho or Crocodile Dundee, but I've got to cut down this damned word count! Also, while spelling will always have priority 1 (indeed, above coherence and logic), punctuation and capitalization rules are out. So I guess that might be worse writing, already. Shit. (2) stop being cute. Only a real curmudgeon accuse his curmudgeonly self of being overly-clever. what a douche.
There are probably more ground rules...
Bullet point information of the now:
(where do you get the fucking bullet points on this thing?)
oh. there they are.
- I've said since the mid-60's that when everyone I know starts getting hitched, I would take a stand and avoid having my summers weekends dominated by a proceeding with a 50% failure rate. Lack of a serious relationship helps me avoid this morass, but suddenly I realize even the people I actually like are tying the knot. There goes that principled platform I'd erected, but damn I hate weddings, generally. And I fucking hate facebook even more for weddings and the comments they elicit. What is in the water these days that the default comment for EVERY single member of the facebook "community" is to proclaim that they (and their significant other) "love you guys sooooo much! So happy!" when people get married or engaged? Clearly, the statistics on armed conflict and world population allow us to infer that there is simply NOT that much love going around in the world. Someone is full of shit.
- That reminds me, how weird is facebook? Kids born from 2005 onwards have no idea what the world of social interaction is like without this....thing. The significance of friending, de-friending, or liking a certain thing boggles my mind. Boggles. There's even some horrid "like" generator that spits out the worst minutiae of the human experience and if that experience is something you relate to, you "like" it. Here are two real examples:
(User) likes "No matter what I get on the computer to do, I always end up on Facebook. on ♥. "
(User) likes I hate when a dream is near the BEST part and someone wakes u up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...What the hell is that supposed to mean? Why did you put that on the internet?! God! Mark Zuckerberg, there is a very special place reserved for you in hell for unleashing this upon us. Let the march of human progress continue towards Stimulus/Response/Consumptive/Automatons!
- Finishing the assigned summer reading, "A People's History of the United States". Mmm, subversion. It says something about the world that I'm both completely unsurprised and horrified by this book. Do yourself a solid and read it...ask to borrow from me.
- New Tunes for your Zune (just kidding): Empires of the Sun, Holy Ghost!, Van She, Darc Mind, Pnau, Best Coast, Eldridge Gravy and the Court Supreme.
- We can infer that the Tea Party has never occasioned self-reflection, because I'd imagine that their collective heads would explode. Another post for later.
- I promise, I'll do better next time. So much for brevity.
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